Saturday, April 10, 2010

Getting Sidetracked

Wow, its been a while!  It sure is easy to get sidetracked - in work, play and life in general.  

Instead of blogging, I've been just taking it all in.  Lots of information about food, nutrition and our general health. 

Last fall I took part in a challenge to live with diabetes for 2 weeks and I have to tell you it was tough!  At the end of the challenge I realized what an amazing opportunity I had.  I was given the gift of knowledge about what I could change now that may prevent me from having to live that lifestyle for the rest of my life.   I had already started to make some changes due to my husband's illness so I decided to jump in and see what else I could do.

Over the winter months I started researching about my husband's condition and found out that there are a tremendous number of people out there with similar health issues - and most of them find that in order to regain their health, they have had to make considerable changes to their diet.
  1. Eliminate processed foods - white flour, white sugar etc --> this is much harder than you think!
  2. Eliminate intolerant foods --> over the years consuming foods that we may be intolerant to can really cause issues.
  3. Increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you consume
  4. Make sure you drink lots water
The more I read, the more I wanted to learn!  That lead us to registering for the RHN (Natural Nutrition) program at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition.  So now I'm on a quest to learn more!  If you're interested - I'll be posting notes here


The information contained herein is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace discussions with a health care provider.